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The Holy Qur'an in Light of Hadiths

The Holy Qur’an in Light of Hadiths


1. The Paradise is the Reward

ألا من تعلم القرآن و علمه و عمِل بما فيهِ فأنا له سائق إلى الجنّةِ و دليل إلى الجنّةِ


Imam Ja‘far al-Sadiq (pbuh)[1]:

“Lo! Whoever learns the Qur’an, teaches it and puts it into practice, I will

guide and lead him to Paradise. ”


2. The Guide

ما جالس هذا القرآن أحدٌ إلاّ قام عنهُ بزيادةٍ أو نقصانٍ، زيادةٍ في هدىً أو نقصانٍ مِن عمىً


Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (pbuh)[2]:

“No one spends time with the Qu’ran but that he rises with a gain or loss: a gain

in guidance or loss of blindness.”

3. To Purify the Heart

إنّ هذا القلوب لتصدأ  كما يصدأ ُ الحَديد.
قيل: يا رسُولَ الله فَما جلاءها؟
قال: تلاوةُ القرآنِ


The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)[3]:

“Indeed hearts rust in the same way that iron rusts,” said the Prophet.

He was asked: “What is their polish?”

He answered: “Reading the Qur’an.”


4. The Reward of Reciting the Holy Qur’an


... من قرأ القرآن ابتِغاء وجهِ اللهِ و تفقّهاً في الدّينِ كان لـه مِن الثّواب مِثلُ‌ جميع ما أعطى الملائكة و الأنبياء و المرسلون...


The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)[4]:

“Whoever recites the Qur’an in order to gain the pleasure of Allah and to acquire

deep understanding of religion his reward would be similar to what is given to

the angels, prophets and, apostles”


5. The Guidance

إنّ هذا القرآن فيهِ منار الهدى و مصابيح الدّجى فليجل جال بصره، و يفتح للضّياءِ نظره؛ فإنّ التّفكّر حياة قلبِ البصيرِ كما يمشى المستنير في الظّلماتِ بِالنّور


Imam Ja‘far al-Sadiq(pbuh)[5]:

“Surely this Qur’an is the clue to guidance and the lights of gloom. Hence, let

the seeker after truth open his eyes and vision to lightness. For thought is the

life of the heart of the insightful just as an educated person walks in darkness

with the aid of light.”


6. The Attributes of the Qur’an

جعَلَه الله رَيّاً لعطش العلماء، و ربيعاً لقلوب الفقهاءِ، و محاجَّ لطرق الصّلحاءِ، و دواءً ليس بعده داء، و نوراً ليس معهُ ظلمةٌ


Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib(pbuh)[6]:

“Allah has made it [the Qur’an] a quencher for the thirst of the learned, a

spring for the hearts of the seekers after truth, a destination for the paths of

the  righteous, a cure after which there is no disease, and a light with of which

there is no darkness.”


7. Wisdom and Childhood

من قرأ القرآن قبل أن يحتلِم فقد أوتِِى الحكم صبِيّاً


The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)[7]:

“Whoever reads the Qur’an before the age of puberty has indeed been given wisdom

while a child.”


8. Reciting the Qur’an for the Satisfaction of Allah

واجعلني اتلوه على النّحوِ الّذى يرضيك عنّي


Imam al-Sadiq (pbuh)[8]:

“ …and make me recite the Qur’an in a manner which satisfies you toward me .”


9. The Various Types of the Reciters of the Qur’an

قرّاء القرآنِ ثلاثة: رجلٌ قرأَ القرآن فاتّخذهُ بضاعةً واستجرَّ بهِ الملوك واستطال به على النّاسِ، ورجلٌ قرأ القرآن فحفظ حروفهُ وضيّع حدوده، ورجل قرأ القرآن فـوضع دواء القرآن على داءِ قلبهِ...


Imam al-Baqir (pbuh)[9]:

“There are three types of the reciters of the Qur’an:
1) one recites the Qur’an, so he takes it as a commodity, draws closer to the

kings, and behaves arrogantly towards people, 2) another recites the Qur’an so he

learns its letters by heart but neglects its bounds, 3) and a third one recites

the Qur’an and places the remedy of the Qur’an on the sickness of his heart.”


10. The Virtue of Reciting the Qur’an in Youth

من قرأ القرآن و هو شابّ مؤمنٌ اختلط القرآنُ بِلحمِهِ و دمِهِ، و جعله الله مع السفرة الكرام البررةِ، و كان القرآنُ حجيزاً عنه يومَ القيامةِ


Imam al-Sadiq (pbuh)[10]:

“Whoever recites the Qur’an when a young believer, the Qur’an will be mixed with

his flesh and blood, Allah will place him with the honourable and virtuous

apostles, and the Qur’an will ward punishment off him on the day of





[1]. Kanz  al-‘Ummal fi Sunan al-Aqwal wa al-Af‘al, vol 2, Hadith no 3375

[2]. Nahj al-Balaghah, Sermon 176, p.252.

[3]. Kanz  al-Ummal fi Sunan al-Aqwal wa al-Af‘al. vol.1, p.445, Hadith no.2441

[4]. Wasa’il al-Shi'a. vol. 6, p. 184, ch. 8, Hadith no. 8

[5]. UsuI al-Kafi, vol 2, p. 600. Hadith no. 5

[6]. Nahj al-Balaghah, p. 315

[7]. Kanz al-‘Ummal fi Sunan al-Aqwal wa al-Af‘al, vol.1, p. 547, Hadith no. 24S2


[8]. Bihar al-Anwar, vol.2, p.341.

[9]. Amali al-Saduq .

[10]. Wasa’il al-Shi’a, vol.6 p.677

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