
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Self Making

Self Making

 The Man of Islam is constructive. He builds himself and his environment. His success in building his environ­ment depends on his success in self‑making and vice versa. In other words his success in improving the environment of his life paves the way for his self‑improvement.

 In view of this strong reciprocal relationship between man and the environment of his life he must pay his utmost attention to an all‑round improvement of himself on a wide scale commensurate to a Muslim's broad outlook on the world and man.

 In this respect Islam has extensive teachings which are related to all the aspects of human life and cover all human needs, whether material or spiritual, individual or social, cultural or economic and so on. The sum total of these teachings constitutes the programme of Islamic training. It includes important provisions regarding cleanliness, sound nutrition, hygiene, physical and mental health, etc.

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