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Back You are here: Home Library Islam Philosophy of Islam chapter 11 - Man and Evolution Principles which may be discovered

Principles which may be discovered

Principles which may be discovered

(1) The living organisms in accordance with their degree of evolution have a historical succession. In other words, the more developed species have usually appeared over history after the less developed ones.

 (2) This historical succession is similar to that found in all other things of the world. The entire cosmos has evolved from a simple state and gradually galaxies. and solar systems have been formed in the environment devoid of all traces of life. Conditions conducive to the appearance of life have developed gradually. Similarly development has taken place successively from the plants to the developed animals. On the whole, the more complex organism have followed the simple ones.

 (3) There exists complete organic similarity between the first living organism and the most developed living organism known to us.

 (4) The stages through which a human embryo passes during its embryonic development are fully akin to the stages through which living organisms have passed over history.

 When we put all this evidence together, we can scientifi­cally presume that the various species of the living organisms are the progeny of one another (transformism) and have not come into existence independently (fixism).

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