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Back You are here: Home Library Islam Philosophy of Islam chapter 09 - Guides of Humanity (4) Unrivalled earnestness and tremendous firmness

(4) Unrivalled earnestness and tremendous firmness

(4) Unrivalled earnestness and tremendous firmness in the struggle against polytheism, ignorance and corruption.

 As the prophets enjoy Divine support, they are never oblivious of the mission entrusted to them by Allah. That is why they are extraordinarily sincere in their mission. They have no objective other than the guidance of the people. They never ask the people to pay for their services.

 In the Surah ash‑Shura the Qur'an has reproduced a summary of the dialogue between a number of the prophets and their people. Each prophet gave a sort of message with particular reference to the problem or problems faced by his respective followers. Anyhow, one point common in the messages of all the prophets is that: "I do not ask for any reward from you ".

 The message of the prophets was always accompanied by an unrivalled firmness. As they entertained no doubt about their mission, they propagated and defended their message with such firmness as was incomparable.

 When Musa ibn Imran (Moses) along with his brother Harun (Aaron) called on Pharaoh and invited him to believe in Allah, the entire equipment they had with them, consisted of the rough and tattered woolen clothes on their body and wooden sticks in their hands. Pharaoh was wonder‑struck when they said firmly: "Your downfall is imminent if you reject our call, but if you accept it, we guarantee your honor".

 The holy Prophet (peace be on him and his progeny) in the early days of Islam when there were very few Muslims, one day called the elders of Quraish and conveyed his message to them. He firmly declared that Islam was destined to become universal and that their well‑being lay in embracing it. They were so surprised that they looked at one another and dispersed without saying a single word. It is because of this courage and extra­ordinary earnestness that the prophets never compromised on principles.

 When Abu Talib, the uncle of the Prophet, conveyed to him the offer of Quraish that they were willing to select him to be their king, to give to him in marriage the most beautiful girls of theirs and to make him the richest man among them, provided he gave up his claim to be a prophet, he answered: "By Allah! even if they put the sun in one of my hands and the moon in the other, I will not give up my mission".

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