
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Allah is Independent

Allah is Independent

As Allah has the highest degree of every kind of virtue and perfection, He is naturally free from every fault, defect and deficiency. A number of the Qur'anic verses, extolling Allah, emphasize this aspect of His glory.

 The Qur'an declares Allah to be free from every kind of deficiency and need. It regards this freedom as an important principle of the cognizance of Allah, by means of which a number of doctrinal and ideological deviations which have taken birth regarding Allah may be detected.

 'Musa said to his people: If you and all those who are on the earth prove to be ungrateful, Allah does not at all need your thanks. He is Laudable" . (SurahIbrahim, 14:8).

 Man should remember that because of Allah not being in want of anything, He is not in need of our faith, worship and obedience. If He wants us to be faithful and obedient, that is for our own benefit and not for His. If the whole world becomes unbeliever, that cannot do Him the least harm.

 Not being subject to any need, Allah is free from the limitations of time and space. He is above them. A being who occupies space, naturally needs it to exist, and one who is confined to time, can exist only under certain conditions at a particular time. A being not time‑bound can always exist and is not dependent upon the special conditions of time.

 Allah is All‑knowing

The Creator of the world knows everything. So far as we are concerned there are two kinds of things in the universe viz. open and hidden, perceptible and imperceptible.

 However Allah is aware of both of them. On principle there is nothing unknown to Him. Nothing is hidden from Him. "He is the Knower of the unseen and the seen. He is the Supreme the Most High". (Surah al‑Ra'd, 13:9).

 `Nothing in the earth or in the heavens is hidden from Allah ". (Surah Ale Imran, 3: 5). He is aware of the minutest details. He knows all that we do. "Surely Allah knows all that you do" . (Surahal‑Nahl, 16:91).

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