
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

The causes and the agents

The causes and the agents

The Qur'an stresses the Unity of Allah with regard to creation and command. It holds that He alone has created everything and He alone exercises authority over the whole world. At the same time it does not deny the existence of the system of causation and its true role. The Qur'an says: `Allah sends down water front the sky and therewith revives the dead earth to life. Surely in this there is a sign for those who pay attention" . (Suraal‑Nahl, 16:65). Here it mentions water as ‑a means of giving life to the earth.

 What is deduced from the Qur'an in respect of the causes and their role is that the Almighty Creator knows every­thing and can do whatever He likes. But He has created the world in a particular way and has laid down for it a parti­cular system in which certain things perform the role of producing certain others. But their role is that of Allah's obedient functionaries, who accomplish the jobs alloted to them unhesitatingly and comply with His commands dutifully, without infringing them in the least.

 The enormous magnetic power of the sun, though a gigantic force in its own vast field, is still subject to the command of the Creator. The magnetic power of the earth is also a mighty force. But it is also subservient to the command of Allah, who empowers a small bird to resist it and remain aloft in the space for hours.

 Narrating the story of Prophet Ibrahim (P) the Qur'an says:

 "The idol worshippers cried: "Burn him and avenge your gods if you are men of actions ". We said: Fire, "Be coolness and peace for Ibrahim ". They planned to harm him, but We frustrated their plans". (Sura al‑Anbiya, 21:68 ‑70).

 So whenever Allah deems it fit, He may prevent fire from burning.

 If, with the advancement of technology, man can now neutralize a mine or an incendiary bomb, he has made, by giving an electronic signal, then why should not Allah be able to prevent the action of a thing which He has made?

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